The Essential HR Handbook

By Sharon Armstrong and Barbara Mitchell

Book Cover for Essential HR Handbook


"The Essential HR Handbook" sheds light on the issues that keep managers up at night. It is filled with tools, tips, checklists and road maps to guide you through a maze of people and legal issues; from recruiting and retaining the best employees to terminating poor performers.

With this book, you’ll learn how to effectively and efficiently:

  • Manage each employee, starting on his or her first day
  • Oversee a multigenerational workforce
  • Appraise job performance
  • Provide equitable pay, benefits and total rewards strategies
  • Identify legal pitfalls and stay out of court

Product Details

Label Value
ISBN 978-1-56414-990-9
Publisher Career Press
Published Copyright 2008
Pages 255
Format Paperback

Table of Contents

1 Strategic Planning and Mission Statements
2 Optimal Staffing
3 Orientation and Onboarding
4 Training and Development
5 Useful Performance Evaluations
6 Benefits
7 Compensation
8 Employee Relations
9 Legal Considerations
10 Managing a Diverse Workforce
11 Technology
12 21st-Century Workplace Challenges

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