ACFE Call for Speakers

Would you like to gain recognition as an expert in your field by sharing your knowledge and skills with ACFE members and other anti-fraud professionals? We are proud to offer experienced anti-fraud professionals and subject-matter experts the opportunity to present at an ACFE conference or webinar.

In our continuing effort to provide the best training events possible to our members and attendees, we invite you to submit proposals to speak at future ACFE conferences and webinars. (Conference sessions are either 50 or 75 minutes long; webinars are 100 minutes long.) In addition to becoming a recognized expert in the industry, you also earn Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit when you present for the ACFE. 

Proposals submitted for one event can also be considered for another conference or webinar at the discretion of the ACFE and with approval of the speaker. If selected, all speakers will receive training and assistance to present a virtual session. Proposals that include more than one presenter may be considered, but the ACFE will only cover one presenter’s travel and accommodation costs per session.

The ACFE is currently accepting or considering proposals for the following events:

36th Annual Global Fraud Conference
June 22-27, 2025
Location: Nashville, TN
Proposal Deadline: November 30, 2024 [Submissions Closed; Proposals Under Review by Selection Committee]

2025 ACFE Fraud Conference Asia Pacific
20-22 August 2025
Location: Kuala Lumpur
Proposal Deadline: 15 January 2025

2025 ACFE Fraud Conference Canada
November 9-11, 2025
Location: Toronto, ON
Proposal Deadline: March 14, 2025

ACFE Webinars 

We are always accepting proposals for webinar presentations.

Selection Criteria 

We look for speakers who:

  • Have substantial topic knowledge (i.e., a subject-matter expert).
  • Have experience giving dynamic, engaging presentations and facilitating learning environments.
  • Reside, work and have knowledge of the anti-fraud trends in the conference region.

We look for presentations that:

  • Clearly apply to the identified target audience.
  • Provide anti-fraud skills that attendees can "begin to use Monday morning."
  • Offer current, practical and innovative content that relates to the anti-fraud profession.
  • Are based on application-focused learning objectives that can realistically be met in the time allotted.
  • Provide clear, specific and informative content that directly meets the learning objectives.
  • Demonstrate measurable impact and results in the fight against fraud.

Other considerations to note:

  • Global issues addressing interests of the international community and multinational organizations are valued.
  • Advanced and intermediate topics are preferred over basic or overview sessions.

Submission Process

To submit a proposal, follow the link below and log in to your ACFE account.  If you do not have an ACFE account, you will be asked to create one to proceed. When you have logged in to the portal, you may review your contact information and then select the “Submit Proposals” tab. Using the “Submit New Proposal” button, you can complete the proposal application.

Please review your proposal carefully as the form may only be submitted once per proposal topic. After submission, you will be able to review your proposals but will not be able to edit them. Many more proposals are submitted than can be selected, so it is important that you include all required and relevant information to be properly and fairly considered.

During the proposal review process, the ACFE selection committee may request a short video in which you outline your proposal and intended presentation in more detail. Submitting a video can greatly enhance your chances of being selected.

Speaker Requirements, Guidelines and Agreements

If selected for one of our events, you will be contacted a couple of months before the event date listed above. The ACFE requires all accepted speakers to review and electronically sign a Speaker Guidelines and Agreement in our speaker portal.

Selected speakers will also be required to submit additional items such as: Speaker Bio, Speaker Headshot and PowerPoint presentation. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I received an invitation to submit a proposal. Does that mean I am speaking at the conference?
    No. Our call for speakers is only an invitation to submit a proposal for consideration. The invitation does not guarantee that your proposal will be selected. 
  • Is this a proposal to keynote?
    No. Keynote sessions are selected separately and are not a part of our call-for-speakers process. The proposal you will submit will be considered only for a concurrent session.
  • Do I need to supply my slides, supplements and CV with my proposal?
    No. All proposals are evaluated based on the online submission only. 
  • When will I find out if my proposal has been accepted?
    Speakers are notified a few months before the conference. There are some exceptions, but the policy is to notify a speaker with enough advance notice to meet the ACFE requirements. 
  • What happens if my topic is not selected?
    Once all speakers for a conference have been confirmed, individuals whose topics were not selected are notified via email. 
  • How do I get to speak at one of the regional events?
    We select speakers for our regional fraud conference (Canada, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Europe) who are employed and reside in those regions. Anyone can submit a topic for the ACFE Global Fraud Conference
  • Can I propose a panel topic?
    Yes. The ACFE typically determines panel topics and oversees the selection process for moderators and panelists. While a panel topic may be proposed, the ACFE has final approval and might select panelists and moderators different from those suggested in the proposal.
  • Can I present my session with a co-presenter?
    Maybe. Under certain circumstances the ACFE does allow co-presenters. However, travel reimbursement restrictions may apply (e.g., the ACFE only pays travel and accommodations for one speaker, not both.) If you would like your session to be considered as one requiring a co-presenter, please include details about why you would like a co-presenter in your proposal, along with your co-presenters name, title and employer.
  • If selected as a speaker, does the ACFE pay my travel expenses?
    Yes. If you are selected to speak, the ACFE pays for reasonable transportation (economy air), limited overnight accommodations (dependent on travel point of origin and speaking slot), a Main Conference registration and meals that are not provided at the conference. 
  • What are my expenses as a speaker?
    We expect the speakers selected to present at our conferences to have no out-of-pocket expenses. That said, there are exceptions for personal extravagance (for example, rental car expenses are not reimbursed) and accommodation stays beyond the contracted speaking time. 
  • Does the ACFE pay speakers?
    No. The ACFE does not pay an honorarium to its concurrent session speakers.
  • If selected, what additional materials will I need to provide?

    Selected speakers must provide upon notification of their selection the following: 

    • Short biography 
    • Professional headshot photograph (Requirements: Your headshot should be a high-resolution (300 dpi) color image in PNG or JPEG format, with a minimum size of 1000 x 1000 pixels.)

    After receiving the speaker guidelines and agreement speakers will provide:

    • Signed speaker agreement
    • PowerPoint Presentation (by due date in agreement) 

    Please note: Meeting deadlines is essential to ensure a seamless process for our education, events, and marketing teams. If you are unable to meet the required deadlines, please let us know as soon as possible so we can consider an alternate speaker.

  • Why do I have to sign the speaker agreement?
    The ACFE speaker agreement allows us to clarify and manage ACFE and speaker expectations. The agreement informs the speaker of deadlines and requirements.
  • How long is the presentation?
    Conference breakout sessions are typically 50 or 75 minutes long, which includes a short (about 10 minutes) question-and-answer period. 
  • Can I incorporate videos (or other media) into my presentation?

    Yes. We encourage a moderate use of videos and other media in presentations. However, if you wish to use a video or other media, you must obtain all appropriate legal permissions to do so. You will also need to submit all media to the ACFE in advance of your presentation for approval (usually on the same date that slide sets are due). 

    The ACFE does not provide polling programs for presentations. If you plan to incorporate audience polling, please ensure you use your preferred polling platform and have access to the necessary account and features. We recommend testing your polling mechanism in advance to ensure a smooth experience during your session.

  • How do you define the instructional level for the presentation?

    We use the following guidelines from the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA).  

    • Basic: Program knowledge level most beneficial to CFEs (and others) new to a skill or attribute. These individuals are often at the staff or entry level in organizations, although such programs may also benefit a seasoned professional with limited exposure to the area. 
    • Intermediate: Program knowledge that builds on a basic program, most appropriate for CFEs (and others) with detailed knowledge in an area. Such persons are often at a mid-level within an organization, with operational and/or supervisory responsibilities. 
    • Advanced: Program knowledge level most useful for individuals with mastery of the particular topic. This level focuses on the development of in-depth knowledge, a variety of skills, or a broader range of applications. Advanced-level programs are often appropriate for seasoned professionals within organizations; however, they may also be beneficial for other professionals with specialized knowledge in a subject area.  
    • Overview: Program knowledge level that provides a general review of the subject area from a broad perspective. These programs may be appropriate for professionals at all organizational levels.
    • Update: Program knowledge that provides a general review of new developments. This level is for participants with a background in the subject area who desire to keep current. 


  • What are learning objectives?
    Learning objectives should describe specific, actionable knowledge or skills that the attendee with will take away from the session. A topic or discussion point alone does not constitute a learning objective. It must demonstrate what the attendee will be able to do following the session. For ACFE formatting, a properly written learning objective should be able to complete the sentence “You will learn how to…” 
  • Do I have to be a CFE or a member of the ACFE?
    No. While most of the subject matter experts who speak at our conferences are Certified Fraud Examiners, some of them are not.
  • English is not my first language. Do you allow presentations in a language other than English?
    No. At the present time all of our conference sessions are conducted in English.
  • How long do you keep proposals?
    Proposals are typically kept on file for two years and are revisited when the need arises for a particular topic.
  • How do I join the ACFE faculty?
    Most ACFE faculty members are discovered at our conferences after presenting unique, substantive topics and receiving favorable evaluations.