If you encounter technical issues when launching your exam, please reach out to Prometric’s support team via their online chat service. Access the
Prometric Knowledge Base and click the chat icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Chat support is also available within the ProProctor software at the top of the screen, where you will go through the automated portion of the screening process before being connected to a live agent.
All remote proctoring appointments include onboarding support from a live agent who will conduct your security and environmental checks and can offer additional guidance.
If you are unable to complete your exam due to technical issues, you might need to reschedule your appointment. Please contact the ACFE Exam Team at
Exam@ACFE.com or call
+1 (512) 478-9000 or
(800) 245-3321 to provide details about what happened and receive assistance with rescheduling. If your computer issues persist, consider scheduling your remaining exam sections at a testing center.