Fraud Risk Management Tools
Anti-Fraud Playbook
Developed in partnership with Grant Thornton, the Anti-Fraud Playbook provides best practices and tools for implementing, improving and benchmarking your fraud risk management (FRM) program. Designed to align with the Fraud Risk Management Guide, the 10 plays outlined provide easy-to-use, actionable guidance. The playbook also includes key questions, checklists and insights that will enhance your FRM program and ultimately facilitate proactive FRM at your organization.
The ACFE would like to thank Grant Thornton for their help with the development of the Anti-Fraud Playbook.
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Interactive Fraud Risk Management Scorecards
Use interactive scorecards to assess the components of your organization's existing fraud risk management program. The scorecards are based on the five fraud risk management principles found in the Fraud Risk Management Guide, and they support your organization’s periodic self-assessment.
Library of Anti-Fraud Data Analytics Tests
Explore an interactive tool that details, by fraud risk type, how to integrate data analytics tests into your fraud risk assessment or investigative work plans. The library of anti-fraud data analytics test examples displays a variety of tests to consider and is organized by categories of occupational fraud risks.
Risk Assessment and Follow-Up Action Templates
Using the fraud risk assessment matrix in the Fraud Risk Management Guide as your foundation, this spreadsheet provides a risk assessment matrix for you to document the organization's fraud risks and controls. The template automatically creates a heat map showing the significance and likelihood of each identified fraud exposure, a fraud risk ranking page displaying each fraud risk exposure from most to least severe, and a control-activities matrix showing the identification and evaluation of existing control activities related to each fraud risk exposure. It also provides space to identify additional control activities and to record your organization’s response plan for each exposure. In addition, the template contains pages to record allegations of suspected fraud, document investigations and outcomes, and document fraud risk management monitoring plans.
Points of Focus Documentation Templates
Use templates to help create consistent and uniform documentation related to fraud risk governance, fraud risk assessment, fraud control activities, fraud investigation and follow up, and fraud risk management monitoring.Anti-Fraud Policies and Procedures
Use these sample materials to facilitate the implementation of a comprehensive fraud risk management program at your organization. The sample documents include the following:
- Sample Fraud Control Policy Framework—a listing of key elements to be considered in drafting a fraud control policy
- Fraud Risk Management High-Level Assessment—a checklist to use to make an initial high-level assessment of an organization’s fraud risk governance policies
- Sample Fraud Policy Responsibility Matrix—a sample tool that can be used to summarize and visualize the fraud risk governance roles and responsibilities that have been defined for an organization as part of its fraud risk management program
- Sample Fraud Risk Management Policy—a sample policy document that can be adapted to meet the needs of a particular organization
- Sample Fraud Risk Management Survey—a sample survey that can be modified as needed for a particular organization and administered periodically to assess organizational awareness regarding fraud risk management
Fraud Risk Exposures
This list contains fraud exposures that all organizations need to guard against and schemes within different industries, as well as a description of each underlying fraud and how it can be carried out. Use this list as either as a starting point for a fraud risk assessment or as a final check once a fraud scheme list has been compiled by the risk assessment team.